A 10k Variable Resistor Potentiometer is the most significant component found in many electrical devices for controlling the tone, bass as well as volume. This is due to the fact that resistors can be connect together with the other components to form filters for the desire level.
They can also be use in computer monitors for color or positioning as well as dimming or switching lamps. This is achieved through digital to analog and analog to digital circuits; one additional advantage is that the knob can be turned instead of typing a value every time you want to change the tint or brightness.
Types of variable Resistors
A variable resistor is a resistor in which the electric resistance value is adjustable. A variable resistor is an electro-mechanical transducer that generally works by sliding a contact (wiper) over a resistive element. A variable resistor is use because a potential divider with 3 terminals is call as a potentiometer.
When it has two terminals, it acts as a variable resistor, which is Rheostat. An electronically controlled variable resistor controls electronically instead of using a mechanical action. This resistor is call as a digital potentiometer..
Types of Variable Resistors
A potentiometer is an ordinary variable resistor. It functions as a potential divider, which is use to generate a voltage signal depending on the location of the potentiometer. This is the signal that can be use for a very wide variety of applications including an amplifier gain control, measurement of the distance or angles, tuning of the circuits and many more.
Whenever variable resistors are use to tune or calibrate a circuit or its application or trimmer potentiometers or trimpots are use, these are generally less rate potentiometers which are mount on the circuit board, and are adjustable by using a screwdriver.
Potentiometer Resistor
Rheostats are much relate to the potentiometers in terms of construction, but they are not use as a potential divider, instead they are use as variable resistors. They can use only 2 terminals rather than 3 terminals potentiometers.
One connection is connect at one end of the resistive element, the other is at the wiper of the variable resistor. In the ancient times, rheostats were use as the power controlling devices, which were connect in series with the load, just like a bulb.
At present rheostats are not use as power controller any longer as it is an inefficient method. For the power control, rheostats are replace in high-efficieny switching electronics. At preset variable resistors are wire as the rheostats, which are use in circuits to perform the tuning or calibration.
Rheostat Resistor
Digital Resistor
A digital variable resistor is a type of variable resistor that is use whenever the change of resistance is not perform by the mechanical movement, but by the electronic signals. They can also change resistance in discrete steps and are frequently control by the digital protocols such as I2C or by simple up and down signals.
Digital Resistor
Presets are just like small version of a variable resistor. They can be place easily on a PCB and can also be adjustable when need. The value of the resistance is normally adjust with the help of a screw-driver. They are frequently use in applications that have adjustable frequency tone of the alarm or adjustable sensitivity circuits.
These are the cheapest among the devices that are mention above. These are also highly specific presets that have multi-turn options. In this type of presets, the resistances are increase or decrease gradually and therefore the screw has to be rotate more number of times.
Presets Resistor
Variable Resistor Connection
A Variable Resistor is used as a rheostat when one end of the resistance is tracked and the wiper terminal is connect to the circuit and the other terminal of the resistance track remains open. In this case, the electrical resistance is connect between the track terminal and wiper terminal which depends upon the position of the wiper (slider) on the resistances track.
A variable resistor can also be use as a potentiometer when both ends of the resistance track are connect to the input circuit and one of the ends of resistance track and wiper terminal is connect to the output circuit.
Variable Resistor Connection
In this case, all three terminals are in use. Sometimes, in electronics circuit,there may be a requirement of adaptable resistance, but this modification is required only once or very often. This is done by connecting preset resistors in the circuit. Preset resistor is one kind of variable resistor whose electrical resistance value can be adjust by adjusting an adjustable screw attached to it.
Working principle of Variable Resistor
As shown in the figure below, a variable resistor consists of a track that provides the resistance path. The two terminals of the machine are connect to both the ends of the track. The third terminal is associat to a wiper that decides the motion of the track. The motion of the wiper throughout the track helps in increasing and decreasing the resistance.
The track is generally made of a mixture of ceramic and metal or can be made of the carbon as well. As the resistive material is require, a carbon film type of variable resistors are generally use. They find applications in the radio receiver circuits, audio amplifier circuits and TV receivers.
The rotary track resistor have two applications: one is to modify the resistance and the other the switch method . Which is use for the electric contact and non-contact by the on/off operation of the switch.
There is a switch method in which variable resistors with the annular cross-section are use for controlling the equipments. The track made in a straight path is called a slider. As the position of the slider cannot be confirm according to the modification of resistance. A stopping mechanism is generally integrate to prevent the hazards cause due to over rotation.
Uses of Variable Resistors
A Variable Resistor can be use mostly in two different ways. When one end of the resistance track and wiper terminal are connect with the circuit, then current through the resistor limits according to the position of the wiper contact on the resistance track.
As the wiper contact slides away from the connected end of the resistance track, the resistive value of the resistor increases and current goes down through the circuit-which means, the variable resistor behaves like a rheostat.
Another use is as a potentiometer. In this case the two ends of the resistance track are connect with a voltage source. Hence, the voltage drop across the resistance track is equal to the value of the voltage sources. Now the output or load circuit is connect across one end of the resistance track and wiped terminal.
Hence, the voltage across the load terminals is the fraction of source voltage. And it depends upon the position of the wiper terminals on the resistance track. This is another widely use application of variable resistors. Potentiometers are use to control voltages, whereas rheostats are use to control electric currents.
Applications of Variable Resistors
Variable Resistors can be found in
- Audio control
- Television
- Motion control
- Transducers
- Computation
- Home Electrical Appliances
- Oscillators
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Thus, this is all about types of variable resistors, its working and applications. We hope that you have got a better understanding about this information. Furthermore, any queries regarding this concept orelectrical and electronics projects, please give your valuable suggestions by commenting in the comment section below. Here is a question for you, what is the function of variable resistor
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