PIC Lab-II is a development and training board for microchip PIC 28 Pin Microcontrollers. The board has a rich collection of commonly used circuits pre-fabricated on the board. These circuits can be connected or disconnected to the respective IO Lines through DIP switches. All IO Lines are accessible through standard headers arranged into PORTS.
- Supports almost all PIC 28 Pin Microcntrollers including PIC16F876
- Recommended Microcontroller is PIC18F2550
- 20 MHz Crystal Oscillator
- 3 User programmable push buttons
- 38KHz IR Remote control Sensor
- One relay (Not optically isolated do not use for mains loads)
- DS18B20 Digital temperature sensor interface (DS18B20 not included)
- HD44780 character LCD interface
- One potentiometer to act as analog input and also as voltage divider
- one user programmable LED
- USB connector to allow Power and USB application development (18F2550 has builtin USB peripheral)
- I2C EEPROM Socket (24C04 or similar)
- DS1307 I2C RTC with battery backup
- Onboard 5V DC Regulator for external DC Supply
- Jumper to select DC Source.
- Reset Button
- ICSP Header (In Circuit Serial programming, PICKit Compatible)
- Onboard low pass filter for pwm signals and Operational amplifier for low power signals. (This Feature may have some assembly faults)
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