Original LM35 Temperature Sensor is an integrated analogue temperature sensor whose electrical output is proportional to Degree Centigrade. LM35 Temperature Sensor does not require any external calibration or trimming to provide typical accuracies. The LM35’s low output impedance, a linear output, and precise inherent calibration make interfacing to readout or control circuitry especially easy.
The main advantage of LM35 is that it is linear i.e. 10mv/°C which means for every degree rise in temperature the output of LM35 will rise by 10mv. So if the output of LM35 is 220mv/0.22V the temperature will be 22°C. So if the room temperature is 32°C then the output of LM35 will be 320mv i.e. 0.32V.
As such no extra components required to interface LM35 to ADC as the output of LM35 is linear with 10mv/degree scale. It can be directly interfaced to any 10 or 12 bit ADC. But if you are using an 8-bit ADC like ADC0808 or ADC0804 an amplifier section will be needed if you require to measure 1°C change.
LM35 can also be directly connected to Arduino. The output of LM35 temperature can also be given to comparator circuit and can be used for over-temperature indication or by using a simple relay can be used as a temperature controller.
Features of Original LM35 Temperature Sensor:
- Calibrated directly in Degree Celsius (Centigrade)
- Linear at 10.0 mV/°C scale factor
- 0.5°C accuracy guarantee-able (at a25°C)
- Rated for full -55°C to a 150°C range
- Suitable for remote applications
- Low cost due to wafer-level trimming
- Operates from 4 to 30 volts
- Less than 60 mA current drain
- Low self-heating, 0.08°C instil an air
- Non-linearity only 0.25°C typical
- Low impedance output, 0.1Ωfor 1 mA load
Specifications of Original LM35 Temperature Sensor:
- Local sensor accuracy (Max) (+/- C): 0.5
- Operating temperature range (C): -40 to 110,-55 to 150,0 to 100,0 to 70
- Supply voltage (Min) (V): 4
- Supply voltage (Max) (V): 30
- Supply current (Max) (uA): 14
- Sensor gain (mV/Deg C): 10
- Rating: Catalog
- Features: UL Recognized
- Interface: Analog Output
Package Includes:
1 x Original LM35 Temperature Sensor
Code for orignale LM35:
// Define the pin where the LM35 is connected
const int sensorPin = A0; // Analog pin connected to LM35
float voltage; // Variable to store voltage
float temperature; // Variable to store temperature in Celsius
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication
void loop() {
// Read the analog value from the LM35
int sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);
// Convert the analog value to voltage
voltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0); // Assuming a 5V system
// Convert voltage to temperature (LM35 gives 10mV per degree Celsius)
temperature = voltage * 100.0;
// Print the results to the Serial Monitor
Serial.print("Voltage: ");
Serial.print(" V | Temperature: ");
Serial.println(" °C");
// Wait for a second before the next reading
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