Bluebird Stm32f103c8 Bluepill Host Playground Made
Bluebird Stm32f103c8 Bluepill Host Playground Made

Bluebird Stm32f103c8 Bluepill Host Playground Made In Pakistan

Rs 1,000 PKR
SKU: b268
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STM32 Bluepill based upon stm32F103C8T6 is a very poular and economical board used by students, hobbyists and application development engineers. The board however needs external devices like buttons, kcd, status leds etc for testing. These are usually made on breadboard and work great. The down side is that this breadboard setup has to be done everytime you start a new project, and the connections are wuite unstable sometimes.

Bluebird is the Nikrotronics pakistan and joint product where a standard playground fas been provided for the Bluepill boared. The devices commonly used in projects are provided on board along with their power supply and open headers for interfacing connections. The connections then can be made to any IO lines of bluepill using female jumper wires (that are very stable). any other module, like motor driver etc that is not fabricated on board can be easily interfaced using jumper wires.


  • Hosting socket for STM32F103C8 Bluepill board
  • All IO lines available as headers for easy jumper connections
  • Clear labelling of all pins with Arduino pin numbers, PORT Pin Names and alternate functions.
  • Onboard external DC Power supply 9-12V and on board 5V and 3,3V 1A regulators
  • 5V and 3.3V Supply available through a header for external modules.
  • HD44780 Character LCD Socket (Spports all 16×2, 16×4, 20×4 LCD) in 4 bit mode
  • ST7735 based Full colour TFT SPI Display Support
  • 8 Staus LEDs (Red, Green, Blue and White)
  • 1 RGB LED
  • 1 POT 0-3.3V for analog testing
  • Two Push Buttons with active Low configuration
  • Header for direct connection of FT232 module to USART1 for serial communication and loading programs using internal Bootloader
  • Header for ST-Link Programmer and Debugger. With two pins to be connected to Bluepill SWDIO and SWCLK pins.

ST7735 TFT Display

Be noted that ST7735 TFT modules come in various connection footprints. This board Has connections in this order as shown in Image below. If you have a different TFT display you can use direct jumper wire connections to use it.

1.44 inch 128x128 SPI TFT Color Screen LCD Display In Pakistan

ST-Link Programmer and Debugger

The header provided for ST-Link V2 is as per standard Pinouts of the device. However some Chinese manufacturers have a device with different Pinouts so check your ST-Link pinouts before using on this connector. In case of different pinouts you can connect ST-Link Directly to the Bluepill header using jumper wires.


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blue pill, stm, STM Board, stm32f103
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