EG8010 is a digital function, very well brought its own sine wave inverter generator chip dead-time control, used in a two-stage DC-DC-AC power conversion structure or DC-AC DC frequency transformer Boost architecture, the external 12MHz crystal oscillator, to achieve high accuracy, and the harmonic distortion is very small, 50Hz or 60Hz, the ASIC sine sine wave inverter. The chip uses CMOS technology, internal integration of the SPWM sine wave generator, dead time control circuit, multiplier factor range, soft start circuit, protection circuit, RS232 serial interface and a serial module LCD 1602.
LCD Description:
In using the LCD, Connection EGS002 driver board and LCD cable must use a shielded cable, otherwise the inverter, high voltage high voltage environment will seriously interfere with the operation of the drive plate
Package Included:
- 1x LCD Display