Breadboard Project Board Gl NO 12

SKU: B272,IMP100,L50,Krt220,S
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Breadboards are one of the most fundamental pieces when learning how to build circuits. In this tutorial, you will learn a little bit about what breadboards are, why they are called breadboards, and how to use one. Once you are done you should have a basic understanding of how breadboards work and are able to build a basic circuit on a breadboard.


  1. Solder less breadboard with 840 tie points.
  2. Self-adhesive tape is included on the back, One Terminal Strips Tie-point 640
  3. Two distribution strips tie-point 200.
  4. White ABS plastic body with printed legend. The color legend on distribution strips.
  5. Accept resistors, transistors, diodes, LEDS, capacitors and other types of electronic components.
  6. Wire size: Suitable for 29-20 AWG wires.
  7. Size: 175 x 67 x 8 mm