The 7483, 74LS83, and 74HC83 are integrated circuits (ICs) that function as 4-bit binary full adders. They are designed to perform the addition of two 4-bit binary numbers, providing sum outputs for each bit and a carry-out for cascading to additional stages.
Key Features:
4-Bit Addition: Capable of adding two 4-bit binary numbers.
Carry Input and Output: Includes carry-in (C0) and carry-out (C4) pins, allowing for cascading multiple adders to handle larger binary numbers.
High-Speed Operation: Designed for fast arithmetic operations, making them suitable for various computing applications.
Pin Configuration:
The typical pin configuration for these ICs is as follows:
- A1 to A4: First 4-bit binary number inputs.
- B1 to B4: Second 4-bit binary number inputs.
- C0: Carry input (from a previous stage, if applicable).
- S1 to S4: Sum outputs for each bit.
- C4: Carry-out output for cascading to the next stage.
- Arithmetic operations in digital systems.
- Binary addition in calculators and computers.
- Digital signal processing.
Electrical Characteristics:
- Supply Voltage (Vcc): Typically 5V for 74LS83 and 74HC83 variants.
- Propagation Delay: Approximately 16ns for the 74LS83, indicating the speed of operation.
- Power Dissipation: Around 95mW per 4-bit adder for the 74LS83.
Package Information:
These ICs are commonly available in 16-pin Dual In-line Package (DIP) formats, suitable for through-hole mounting.
For detailed technical specifications, refer to the datasheets provided by manufacturers. For instance, the 74LS83 datasheet is available at Futurlec .
When designing circuits with these ICs, ensure that the input voltage levels and operating conditions align with the specifications to maintain optimal performance and reliability.