The 2N3906 (MMBT3906) is a general-purpose PNP transistor that is commonly used in low-power switching and amplification applications. It is available in a variety of packages, including the SOT-23 surface-mount package.
Key features of the 2N3906 (MMBT3906) PNP Transistor SMD SOT-23:
- PNP transistor type
- SOT-23 surface-mount package
- 200mA collector current
- 40V collector-emitter voltage
- Suitable for low-power switching and amplification applications
Additional product specifications:
- Breakdown voltage (Vbr): 40VDC
- Transition frequency (ft): 250MHz
- Forward current transfer ratio (hFE): 100 (min)
- Low-power switching circuits
- Small-signal amplifiers
- General-purpose electronics